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NCCU IMBA Business Plan Boot Camp

There is a brand new program for entrepreneurs this fall. EST has just launched a pre-incubation bootcamp. Business mentoring can help strengthen your business and your own entrepreneurial skills, and can be invaluable in getting your business off the ground, or taking it to the next level. You'll learn from the experience and mistakes of an established business consultant and start up guru. Be guided through achieving the objectives of your business, both short and long term; you can leverage off our mentors insights to create a pitch that will catch the attention of a venture Capitalist. But knowing how to go about it in the right way can be a tricky business. Do it the wrong way and you could end up wasting time and money. Do it correctly, and you could grow your business exponentially. We welcome you to the IMBA EST Business Plan Boot Camp.


The Boot Camp will cover lessons below: 


Lesson 1: What We Now Know (Why startups are not smaller versions of large companies)

*Business Models and Customer Development How to articulate and test hypotheses

Lesson 2: Value Proposition (How do you find your minimum viable product?)

Lesson 3: Customer Segments (How do you find your customer archetype?)

Lesson 4: Channels (How does your product gets to customers?) 

Lesson 5: Customer Relationships (How do you get, keep and grow customers?)

Lesson 6: Revenue Models (How do you make your money?)

Lesson 7: Partners (Who are your partners and suppliers?)

Lesson 8: Resources, Activities and Costs (What is most important for the business?)



Important dates:

October 13, 2013:  Final Registration date



The course will be structured as an 8 week time investment from beginning to end. The final product after the online tutorials and two weekends of workshops will be a formal business plan ready for presenting to a venture capital firm.


Online registration begins on September 29th and will close on October 13th.

The course will have 6 video lectures. Each video lecture will focus on one specific component of the business plan.  The first of the weekly videos will become available to all registered participants on October 14th, 2013. The Platform for the online video is yet to be announced.(See workshop calendar for release dates of all six videos).


After watching the video, you and your team are then charged with answering the specific questions and assignments that were tasked by the instructor during the video that week. You and your team will have 10 days to complete the task.  Weekly tasks will involve a time investment of between 2 to 4 hours depending on the group.  The instructor will be using a Google Doc format where teams are required to have their information input into this platform before the specified due date for his evaluation. (See workshop calendar for challenge due dates) 


Upon observing the progress and evaluating the information uploaded on Google Docs, the instructor will invite the team leaders of 2 exceptional teams each week to have 30 minutes of invaluable one-on-one sessions with the instructor. The instructor will choose these teams based on performance that week. The instructor will coordinate with these team leaders and schedule a mutually convenient meeting time for the one on one sessions.   


In addition to the online sessions, there are two weekends of Boot Camp workshops. To provide maximum value to your mission at hand, these workshops are appropriately delivered at the beginning and end of your Boot Camp experience The initial Boot Camp Workshop will take place on Saturday October 19th,2013 to Sunday October 20th, 2013 on the 6th Floor of the College of Commerce Building at National Chengchi University. The final Boot Camp Workshop will take place on November 30, 2013 to December 1, 2013 just in time to compete in The first NCCU IMBA Business Plan Competition. Please note that there will be no additional charge fee for Bootcamp attendant.




**We are full**

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